Sunday, January 10, 2010

Rendered Bear Fat....

Every day I read the current Grand Marais/Gunflint Trail news on the website That includes the classified ads. This one today reminded me why our part of MN is unique.......

"You've all heard how using bear fat makes the flakiest pie crusts and lightest biscuits, right? Well, it's true, and it can be used just as you would use shortening. Also makes the crispiest fried potatoes! It is locally produced, organic, of course, and all natural. No trans-fats, no artificial coloring, no additives of any kind. Pure white, beautiful bear fat!!! Try it! $3.00 for a 16 oz container"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I don't know if you are still around, but I viewed this website dated earlier this year regarding "bear fat"... If you still have this product, please send an updated price list, etc. and your ordering process.
Dennis Baker