Saturday, September 08, 2007

Lodge Crawl Space

As many of you know from blogs, being here and newsletters, we have worked to winterize the lodge over the 5 seasons we have been here. We added heat in all the room upstairs, we put a separate heating system in the main area of the lodge with 5 zones. We redirected the original furnace to heat the basement and crawl space of the lodge. We vented the roof and added insulation to the attic and we insulated the walls of the basement. We dug up the waterline to the well and replaced it with a new one that including heat tape to keep it open. Mike made special storm windows for the entire down stairs of the lodge - that was 37 windows and not one of them the exact same size of the other. This year we put plastic down in the crawl space. Two of our summer staff, Ed and Erik, volunteered for this thankless task and spent some time under the lodge crawling around putting the sheeting down and attaching it to the walls of the lodge. This step is necessary to keep the moisture from wicking up from the ground in the winter.

Anyway, this is a long explanation for this picture of Ed in the crawl space. And he was still smiling after the photo shoot was done! Ed has headed back to school now to finish up his senior year. We hope to see him here in future years for canoe trips and visits because he is a true die hard fan of the BWCA.


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