As we prepared to take over operations at Clearwater my wife and I were very worried about being able to find time to get out and learn the lakes, fishing spots, portages, campsites and more. Last week I was able to slip away for an evening to try some fishing spots. And this week I took off for two days to learn more about a particular canoe route. While it may take a long time to learn as much as we feel is needed, at least the research is fun!

Ady really wanted to go on a canoe trip and I figure that she is now 4 years old and in my book that is old enough to go camping. So off we went. The first day we got started late since I was very busy at the Lodge and trying to get all my work done. So we ended up setting up camp and cooking dinner as it was getting dark. But she enjoyed sleeping in a tent and cooking over a fire. Kids sure love doing anything that gets them dirty!

The next morning we got up, finished paddling down Clearwater, across West Pike, portaged over into Pine Lake, and after fighting some wind, we made it over to Johnson Falls. Ady really loved the waterfall. Then we paddled to across little Caribou and over to Caribou Lake and finally portaged back to Clearwater Lake. We arrived back at the lodge tired but feeling that wonderful sense of accomplishment that always comes after a BWCA canoe trip.

And what a trooper Ady was, 15 miles of paddling and 3 miles of portages all in a single day, and still smiling at the end of the day.