Our staff for the summer are all here and we are getting into the swing of things.
Erik has returned for his 5th season at Clearwater. After 5 years he just shows up in the spring and starts opening the lodge and hooking up water connections and getting everything ready for our visitors. Erik was born and raised in White Bear Lake, Minnesota, and grew up in a state of uneventful bliss. Little did he know that when he took a summer job outfitting and guiding canoe trips on the Gunflint Trail four years ago, that it would change his life. The allure of the north woods lifestyle was impossible to deny, and he turned his summer job into a winter job with dog sled guiding at White Wilderness in Ely, MN.
Erik has managed to spend most of his times out of doors in the BWCA either in a canoe or on a dog sled.
He did take a break from living and working up north to spend a winter in the Twin Cities, obtaining his EMT license. For the time being Erik is content working out of doors, and couldn't imagine spending eight waking hours indoors. In his free time he enjoys photography, hiking, fishing, laughing, learning to pick the banjo and unicycling. Knowing that there is always a high demand for banjo pickin' unicyclists, Erik is not worried about the future at all. He looks forward to spending another summer season outside doing what he loves.
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