The sun beat down and buzaards circled overhead as Matt, Scott and I battled a stiff breeze to hold our shoreline position in the three-man canoe. I thought it all an apt metaphor for our afternoon of unsuccessful fishing. Spirits were high and confidence was brimming as we departed camp with the wind ar our backs, but after a few hours we were working to keep the canoe idle and the buzzards sensed our dying hope. So we began to paddle back with an empty stringer. The best thing about not catching fish is that it makes for an easier return portage. Who wants to add an awkward string of fish to the load? Ok, now I'm just making excuses but, anglers can't let one, or two, or three days of being skunked deter them. They must persist. Learn from their mistakes. Hone in on the holes that produce, and note the techniques that give them success. So just yesterday we had our first (minor) triumph.
"Fish on," muttered Scott as he reacted to a plunging bobber.
"That's a supper fish," I commented as he hoisted his Northern into the canoe. One today. Maybe two tomorrow. And so we progress in measured increments. Which is ok. I'm a believer in gradual change. Nothing worth having comes easy, right? With any luck our first fish fry of the season is a sure sign of many more to come.
Until next time - Gone fishin'
Hi is the fishing going these days? Hope you are getting supper fish. Do you find that you have enough to keep you busy? The school year is finally over and with that, the subbing. Still looking for a full time job. Guess if it's meant to be it will come.
Aunt Laura
You're funny, Michael:)
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