Monday, July 14, 2008

A Gunnel Pumping Trilogy (Lundeen Style)

Here are some new videos of Kevin prepping for Wednesday's Gunnel Pumping. (editor's note: if you are interested in the Gunflint Canoe Races, they will be taking place Wednesday July 16th at Gunflint Lodge; the races begin at 6:00pm...come out and root on Clearwater!). The weather hasn't provided much for practice days lately. But today brought low winds and a clear sky, perfect g.p. conditions. Four of us, including two newcomers: the voices of the front desk, AJ and Kirsten, took to the water after work today. We are much improved. But will it be enough for the GF races? We'll see...and hopefully you will too. Go Kevin!

Part I

Part II

Part III

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