Thursday, June 12, 2008

The bright side of Black Flies

Yes, there is a brighter side of black flies.........they may be the principal pollinator of the wild blueberry we so treasure up here in the northwoods. So when you are picking your blueberries in July or August, remember what made it possible.

The black flies seem to be out some in Grand Marais, but we are not seeing them yet here. Maybe because it is just a little cool yet and the trees are just now really leafing out. A little about our biting friend.....
  • Black flies appear late May through early July, appearing as the trees start to leaf out.
  • They breed in moving water but may travel miles from their breeding sites.
  • Each species seems to have a particular depth and speed of water to grow in
  • They buzz (as we all know) and land and take off repeatedly without biting
  • They are strongly influenced by color. Dark clothing attracts more flies than lighter clothing.
  • Strong breezes tend to disperse them.
  • They are at their worse during the day in shaded areas
  • Male flies feed on nectar, only the female bites (I am just waiting to hear the comments on this fact!)
  • The female has blood thinner to keep the blood flowing in the bite.
  • They cannot bit through clothing but like to crawl under cloths, along the scalp line and behind the ears
  • Some folks when bitten will have just a little red spot some will react more strongly and get a swollen and itchy spot over several days
  • Treatment is time and antihistamines like Benadryl.

Very important facts worth repeating......

  1. Wear light colored clothing - they are strong influenced by color!!
  2. If they are out, wear lightweight pants and long sleeved shirts. Tuck in shirts and pant legs and close up cuffs since they cannot bit through cloths.
  3. Bug nets work well for covering your head and even your hands

Remember at all times, they do pollinate the blueberrys - so keep smiling.


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