As I was driving to Grand Marais in the snow today, I was hoping to see a moose and had brought my camera along. No moose, but as I glanced in my rear view mirror I saw a wolf come out of the woods behind me. I stopped but didn't bother to turn around or try to get a picture since they were a little far away and would be long gone before I could circle back. However, I sat there for about 10 minutes and watched the activity in my mirror as two more wolves came out of the woods, played on the road for a few minutes and then took off back into the woods.
I have lived up here now 6 years and I am still fascinated by the wildlife we can see on a daily basis. Growing up in Indiana almost all our vacations were camping in MI or IN but I never remember seeing any wildlife other than deer, rabbits, raccoons and opossums. The only larger mammels I every saw were in a zoo or some sort of controlled park or on the farm (moo). It makes you think about how far we have gotten away from nature in our city lives.
How lucky we are up here to share the natural habitate with such varied creatures and they give us a glimpse into their lives and play.
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