Sunday, July 16, 2006

Cavity Lake Fire Information

The Cavity Lake Fire is near the end of the Gunflint Trail on the eastern side of the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness. It is centered in a highland region between Seagull Lake to the north and the Kekakabic Trail to the south, in part of the blowdown slated for a prescribed burn this fall. While caution and safety are top priorities, actual extinguishing of the fire is not top priority. Rather the plan is to steer the fire away from valued resources, homes and population areas while cleaning up some the blowdown in a natural way. The fire is headed directly into areas already burned in prescribed fires completed over the last few years where containment lines are practical.

While paddlers entering Brant Lake and Seagull Lake are being asked to travel in adjacent entry points no other entries are closed or restricted. In fact some may get a good air show as the CL215s begin water bombing the fire in the days to come. Forest service personnel are contacting campers in the area to inform them of the fire and let them know if there are safety concerns they should be aware of. Many paddlers will see or smell smoke from the fire but should not have their trip affected by it.

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