This summer has been a summer full of projects. One of the projects we did was redoing the bunkhouse. Our bunkhouse is one of the older original buildings on the property. It was originally used by a logging company. The logging company did a deal with Charlie and Petra Boostrom so that they didn't have to pay rent in exchange for the building when they were done with it. But it was in need of serious work. So we gutted it, built 3 new bunk rooms and a new shower house. Here is Mike working on what would later become a bunk.
For the stalls in the shower houses and the lumber for the bunks we used blow down lumber. People have been very positive about the new bunk house rooms and love that there are now 6 showers and 6 toilets for use.
We were running short on space for boats on the main dock. So we built a new floating dock. This took a bit longer than we anticipated but was really needed.
Here is the new dock, we will be putting tires and cleats on both sides. Now things aren't as congested and the boats don't have to be tied up so close that they bang into each other.