Well, it had to happen. Summer had to end and the next season arrive. I am never sure how I feel about this. After a busy summer, I am usually ready for a bit of a break but it takes time to get used to a new pace and that we will be closing at the end of the month.
Fall colors have been marching up the Trail and they just reached us. This morning, and I swear this happens overnight, trees turned on the resort. It takes me about a week to obsorb another season is coming to an end. I find myself standing in the middle of the lodge kitchen thinking, now what?
This brings up serious questions! These are not questions I loose sleep over, but when they flitter through my mind, they seem serious at the time. Will my tomatoes EVER ripen? Will my flowers that I want to collect some seeds from go to seed before they frost? When will the construction on the Gunflint Trail be done so I can drive to Grand Marais without shaking my teeth out? What is that mouse doing in the office just looking at me? Why did that pinecone just hit me on the head? Who the heck left that canoe there?
All well, enough of my musings and time for a picture. This one was sent to us by Randy Wilson. Randy took a recent trip on Clearwater and north to Watap, Mountain and Rove.