Tuesday, September 22, 2009

The First Day of Fall

Well, it had to happen. Summer had to end and the next season arrive. I am never sure how I feel about this. After a busy summer, I am usually ready for a bit of a break but it takes time to get used to a new pace and that we will be closing at the end of the month.

Fall colors have been marching up the Trail and they just reached us. This morning, and I swear this happens overnight, trees turned on the resort. It takes me about a week to obsorb another season is coming to an end. I find myself standing in the middle of the lodge kitchen thinking, now what?

This brings up serious questions! These are not questions I loose sleep over, but when they flitter through my mind, they seem serious at the time. Will my tomatoes EVER ripen? Will my flowers that I want to collect some seeds from go to seed before they frost? When will the construction on the Gunflint Trail be done so I can drive to Grand Marais without shaking my teeth out? What is that mouse doing in the office just looking at me? Why did that pinecone just hit me on the head? Who the heck left that canoe there?

All well, enough of my musings and time for a picture. This one was sent to us by Randy Wilson. Randy took a recent trip on Clearwater and north to Watap, Mountain and Rove.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Bald Eagle

Photo by Richard Schramm. Richard took his pictures when staying in a cabin at Clearwater for the week. He got some very nice shots and I appreciate his sharing them with us for the blog.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Waterfront Wedding

All the wedding guests have departed and although I think it will take a few days, we are settling back into a normal routine here. There are still small piles of wedding decorations sitting around to be taken care of and lots of food still to eat. Soon we will have a chance to sit down and enjoy the pictures of the wedding. Here are a few of our favorites....

Monday, September 14, 2009

At the Dock

When Isaiah (age 4) arrived for his aunt's wedding, he was giving a spiderman fishing pole by his Grandpa when he arrived. We have not seen him without that fishing pole since then. Thankfully it has a red rubber fish at the end or we would all be hooked. He has fished in the parking lot, in the lodge, on the porch. His cast is getting pretty darn good. Yesterday he discovered casting into the water (it takes small steps to build a good little fisherman). While sitting down a the dock, a canoe came in and distracted him momentarily from fishing.

Sunday, September 13, 2009


Normally when we are here, there is not much relaxation time. Relaxing on the porch and running a resort just don't seem to mesh well. With all family and friends here last week I think this was the first time this summer that I sat on the porch of the lodge and watched the water and the dock. It was very peaceful. There was a lot of activity at the waterfront so I just lazily took pictures when it looked interesting.

Here is Adam Trace in the Kayak, Alicia (the bride) sitting in the middle of the dock Cross legged, Ben and Dawn and their two boys Isaiah and Adrian. Faith, in the pink shirt, caught her first fish on this dock.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Another Fly Over Photo

This one is taken from the lake coming into the lodge. You can see our docks at the waterfront center left. It is hard to see much else through the trees except rooflines.

Wednesday, September 09, 2009

The Wedding

All the cabins and lodge rooms are full with Alicia and Jon's wedding guests. Tuesday is the rehersal and rehersal cookout and Wednesday at sunset is the wedding. Peggy is here in the garage decorating the wedding arch. It was made by Mike this summer and has been kept hidden until it is ready to go out on the dock for wedding.

Tuesday, September 08, 2009

Fly Overs with Anderson Aero

One thing we like doing is taking fly overs with Anderson Aero. Dan Anderson runs Scenic Tours. This year he got approval to land his float plan in the Grand Marais Harbor. Ben Trace is here for his sister's wedding and since it happened to be his birthday, his gift was a flyover. He started in the Grand Marais Harbor at The Trading Post and flew up to the BWCA.
You can't really see them clearly but several people climbed the palasaides to wave to him as he flew over. He also got several nice pictures of the lodge from the air.
The second picture is of the resort and the soutwestern end of Clearwater Lake.

Tuesday, September 01, 2009

Packing up

As every minute goes by today, it bring me that much closer to leaving Clearwater. Today is my last day at work, and it's scary how fast my time went here. It seems as though it was only a few weeks ago when my parents dropped me off, and now they are probably on the road heading north to pick me up. Like always, good things come to an end, and I have to face the fact that I can not rewind time to re-live this summer. There are a few things I am excited to be able to do back in the cities, but I will miss Clearwater greatly. I was joking around with Lynn, and I was telling her how I have been showering more lately to try to get into my old routine before I go back to Minneapolis, and I think it will take a little time to get used to living in the city again. Being up here has made me appreciate things that I have not really ever appreciated before, and I have learned a lot about myself living up here. Anyways, the lawn isn't going to cut itself today so I am going to wrap this up. I could go on and on with the things that make this place so special but the weather is to nice to be inside any longer. A few things I want to say before I go is anyone who is looking to work up North for awhile Clearwater is the place to be. I would give Clearwater two big thumbs up. I want to thank Mike, Peggy, and Lynn for being the most enjoyable bosses that I have had so far in my life. And for my co-workers (Micheal, Matt, Lilly, Eric, Tori) they helped make this one of the best summers of my life. I am truly going to miss this place, and it is hard to believe that the time has come to say good-bye.
