Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Canoecopia 2007

We will be at the Canoecopia Paddle Sports show in Madison WI again this year. The show dates are March 9-11 at the Alliant Center in Madison. Stop by and see us if you are in the area. Canoecopia is a good show for the us because it focusing all on paddle sports. If you are a paddle enthusiast this show features the new and the tried and true in paddlesports. It has a good selection of kayaks and canoes as well as all the gear you could need or want. The show is sponsored by Rutabaga Sports Stores.
Ben Trace, Stephanie and Travis Gunter and friends will be manning the information booth this year. The picture is from Canoecopia 2006.

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

February Fury

I am looking forward to March so we can get out of the 'February Fury'. I heard that phrase on The Weather Channel and felt it was very accurate when I was watching the ice and snow storms moving through the midwest. Peggy and Mike had 1 story drifts after the last snow storm in NE OH.
We are finally getting our snow, but getting it later in the season than usual. We had about 6 inches yesterday and more expected in the coming days. Actually I am pleased with having more snow since everything is bright and fresh looking outside. More snow will also certainly help with the water levels in the summer.

The photo is of a group of fisherman who were going ice fishing on Clearwater Lake and stopped into the lodge for cookies and coffee first. Steph baked a batch of chocolate chip cookies just for their visit.

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Claire's Big Fish

Bishop Mumford sent in this picture of his daughter Claire and her biggest fish yet. They were fishing on Caribou Lake when Claire pulled this one in. She has a new appreciation for fishing after this big boy!

Good job Claire!

Send us your favorite pictures and I'll post them on our blog.

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Dog Sled Race

I was sorry to hear that the John Beargrease Dog Sled event was canceled due to the lack of snow on the route from Duluth. However, since we (the Gunflint Trail) do have snow, with the help of Trail Center, a group of mushers are planning a Classic Fun Run for this weekend.

This event will be Sunday, February 25th only. There will be a short run beginning at Devil's Track Lake and ending at Trail Center. The longer race will be begin at Devil's Track and continue to Gunflint Lodge then return to Trail Center for the finish.

It should be fun so stop up for the excitement. For more information visit

Saturday, February 17, 2007

Warmer Temperatures

It is one of those perfect February days. We had a little snow last night so everything is bright white, the sun is shining and the temperatures are above zero for the first time in 30 days. It was a nice day for a walk outside with the dog.

Travis took this picture last week on a hike to the top of the Clearwater Lake Palisaides.

Thursday, February 15, 2007

First Walleye

I just love it when people email me their pictures. I love putting them up on the blog. So if you have some good pictures, send the on to us and give us a little description. When you come to Clearwater, bring your cable for your digital camera because I have been known to offload the pictures directly from the cameras.

This is a great picture sent by Mike Engst. It is the first Walleye his son caught and doesn't he look pleased!

Saturday, February 10, 2007

Duct Tape or Duck Tape?

We always send out a roll of duct tape with our canoe packages. Duct tape can be used to repair amost anything and it can be very handy to have with you. I even saw a northwoods Christmas tree ornament that was a roll of squashed duct tape. When I saw this article in the Cook County News-Herald, I thought it was interesting and wanted to pass it along.

Duct tape was a masking tape that made its debut during WWII and was created by Johnson & Johnson's Permacel Division in 1942. The orginal use was to keep moisture out of ammunition cases. Because it was waterproof and made from cotton duck, similar what was used in medical tape, it was giving the moniker 'duck tape'. Military personnel quickly discovered that the tape was very versatile and used it to fix their guns, jeeps, aircraft, etc. After the war, the tape was used in the housing industry to connect heating and air conditioning duct work. Its color was changed from army green to gray to match ductwork. Subsequently its name was changed to 'duct tape'.

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Zero and Embarrass, MN

Today was the first time in a few days I saw a temperature that did not have a negative sign in front of it.....and it was zero. Zero means it is at least 30 degrees warmer then it was a few days ago. The good thing is the sun has been shining the whole time. I think we are past our cold snap.

Several days ago on the news I heard that Embarrass MN had the record low of -42. I had not heard of Embarrass and had to look up their website. Weather Facts: Embarrass, Minnesota Weather - Embarrass is known for it's cold temperatures and can claim the rights as the "coldest spot in the state". It is not unusual to see 30 to 45 degrees below zero many mornings before the sun comes up during the winter months. The unofficial low temperature set on February 2, 1996 was -64. Although it may be hard to believe that this can be "normal" it can also be normal to get killing frosts during the summer months too. It can be challenging for Embarrass residents to grow gardens or beautiful flowers. There is a theory of why it gets so cold in Embarrass. This theory has to do with geology.

Embarrass is located in the Embarrass River Valley. The Vermillion Range borders the northern end, the Laurentian Divide to the south and moraines at right angles on the other two ends. These natural barriers causes the cold air to sink with the help of gravity. In addition to the right type of soil and higher latitude, Embarrass is colder then in any other part of the state.

Embarrass residents are tough to withstand these cold temperatures. Either that or they all know that the cold is coming every year and prepare for it. Common sense is used when being outdoors. Although the thought of such cold makes the winter seem long and harsh, the beauty of bright white snow on the landscape can be breath-taking. Thoughts of spring and summer gives hope of warmer temperatures to come and helps residents to endure the winter months.

Embarrass Township, established in 1905, lies in the Embarrass River Valley near the Laurentian Divide on the Iron Range. Choosing a name for this new organized township has a tale of its own. "Embarrass" comes from a French word which means "to hinder, confuse or to be complicated". French explorers traveling through the area by canoe found it very difficult to maneuver through all the obstacles and debris that was in the way. This is believed how the Embarrass River was named. Later, when the railroad system was established, the depot which stood near the Embarrass River also beared the name Embarrass. It was then appropriate that the township should also hold this name.

Sunday, February 04, 2007

Rose Falls

Erik and Travis hiked to Rose Falls earlier this week. Starting at West Bearksin, they entered the BWCA at Duncan Lake and hiked to the falls on Rose Lake. Travis said that they could hear the falls running under the ice.

During the summers, Rose Falls is a 2/3 day canoe trip from the lodge. You can also take in the falls on a canoe trip starting at West Bearskin and ending on Gunflint Lake

Travis took this picture of the falls.

Saturday, February 03, 2007

Minnesota Gray Wolf

The US Fish and Wildlife Service released population figures and announced that the Service is removing the western Great Lakes population of the gray wolves from the federal list of endangered species.

This only applies to the Western Great Lakes, which includes Minnesota, Wisconsin and Michigan as well as parts of ND, SD, IA, IL, IN and OH.

Thursday, February 01, 2007

Walking on the Lake

One of the activities in the winter is walking on the lake. This past week there was just about 6 inches of ice on the lake and no slush when walking. Walking on six inches is still better when wearing snow shoes but Peggy, Mike and I walked out around the point where the cabins are in our boots. This is a picture of cabin 4 from the frozen water with Mike and Peggy in the frame.