I was at a meeting last night in town and I got to comparing notes with several other poeple who were not raised in this area and our adjustments to living in a rural area. Here are a few that caused us to chuckle, not because they are necessary funny, but because we could all relate to them so well.
The main event of my day in the winter is getting my mail. In the winter, the mail is delivered only to the Gunflint Trail. It is a 4 mile trip each way. The dog is excited every morning for her car ride to the mail box. Sometimes we see wildlife, sometimes we just see snow. Sometimes I drive to the mailbox on Sundays just so the dog can get her car ride. Even at 25 below she likes to put her nose out the window.
The last 'overnight' I got from FedEX took two weeks to get here. Thank goodness for UPS as they do deliver to the door.
If I don't plug my car block heater in during January - I have to really cross my fingers when I try to start it in the morning. I have gotten used to everyone having long orange electrical cords attached to their cars.
You can go to lunch in town and every car in the parking lot is left running, unlocked with a big dog inside. Who wants to come back out to a cold car? Beside that, we can't take our dog for her daily car ride if we leave it in a car when it is 25 below out.
There is no 'running out to get something you forgot'. Shopping is a planned full day event. If the weather is bad, it can be an hour plus drive back up the trail. Always watch for Moose!!
Driving down or up the Gunflint Trail, you can drive thru multiple weather systems. It can be sunny when you leave, crazy snow storm at the 20 mile marker and dense fog at the 5 mile marker and sunny again in Grand Marais.
I have given away every piece of clothing that requires dry cleaning as there is no dry cleaners in town.
The closest Walmart, Target, Mall or Movie Theater is 120 miles away. Thank goodness for the Internet and Netflix!
I am not complaining, just laughing. For these inconveniences I also get a spectacular log lodge on a beautiful crystal clear lake, good friends, tall trees, moose walking through my yard and wonderful visitors.